Sunday, March 13, 2011

A lot of rice

 The orphanage is on a city food program that provides the staples for any feeding station or orphanage that gets certified.  This means that once a year we go and pick up our allotment.  And let me tell you we put the "a lot" into allotment.  I made two trips in our pick-up truck for a total of 40 bags of rice each weighing roughly 120 pounds.  We also received cooking oil, 4 120LB bags of beans, 4 120LB bags of sugar and anchovies.  The rice they provide us lasts Hogar de Esperanza 7 months, the cooking oil and anchovies all year.

So my Friday consisted of carrying lots of bags, and my back hurts to prove it.  I met Sam in Trujillo afterwards and I ate half an extra large papa johns pepperoni pizza and then we went to Pacasmayo.  I spent the weekend there once more but right now I'm a little too exhausted too remember exactly what happened.  All I remember is me saying "sure I'll watch the baby tonight" and then I didn't get any sleep.  The baby woke up with a fever, and we called the orphanage director who went and bought some medicine.

Sorry I'm too exhausted right now to put any more effort into my blog tonight.  I'll post again in a couple days when I'm more rested with a more extensive recap.


mom said...

i think it's great that the city is involved with the orphanage! anchovies? tell me what they do with those. and... yeah for you taking care of the baby. just one question--did you change his diaper? :)

ritaleelovesyou said...

That is awesome that they have the system and that they have all of that food to last them so long! Sorry your back hurts though!
I sure hope you had a great weekend, despite the sick baby! I also hope the baby is better now.
Looking forward to the more extensive blog when you are well rested...if that happens ;)
Take care of yourself Kevin! Prayers with you!

The Bailes said...

I'd like to hear more about the baby situation as well. :) Good thing you're totally ripped, I don't know how else you would've got all of those bags taken care of!