Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good moments

So a couple memorable moments from this last week.

Funniest: Tonight I walk into one of the boys houses to find a couple of them "doing homework" this homework entailed looking through a magazine to find products starting with "o" and "u".  However the magazine they were looking through was a fashion magazine and they were spending inordinate amounts of time looking at the female models in dresses and skirts.  When I called them on it they threw up the biggest grin I've seen from any of them and said..."shhhh don't tell mom" and we all just busted up laughing.

Proudest: I got a late start one day picking up the kids from school.  The van's tire was flat so I had to put air in it, then halfway down the driveway I realized I left my documents in my room so I had to drive back and get them.  These things combined put me a good 10 minutes behind my usually scheduled departure time, however I still made it to the school in time to pick up the kids.  I drove like a true Peruvian that day.

Most heart-warming:  Earlier this week when I went to go pick up the special needs kids from school I was sitting and watching the other kids come out.  There was a sweet little girl probably around 6 or 7 years old that was waiting by the door.  An older boy with downs syndrome walked out of the gate and she immediately walked up to him grabbed his hand and said "Hi big brother, did you have a good day today?  Lets go home." then she lead him by the hand down the street.


mom said...

loved those moments. Cracks me up about the boys! I'm glad you and the other drivers lived through you racing to get there! Thanks for sharing those moments!

Kim McRae said...

Today's "Moments" are terrific. You have lots of great stories. I'm amazed by the situations and scenes that come your way.

You're in my prayers Kevin. Take care. Thank you for posting and inserting the fun photos.

ritaleelovesyou said... being a girl, ha ha..sooo loved to read these stories or moments that you have experienced :)
Thanks for sharing them!!

The Bailes said...

I like the "moments", very organized way of should keep doing that! BUT, maybe you should have a serious conversation with the boys about the fashion magazines!!!

Dad said...

Well whoever said it is boring to follow Christ probably never try it. The adventure,excitement and love that you encounter in doing so is priceless. You continue to make me smile. God Bless

The Thurn Family said...

Loooooooooooove it Kevin! Thanks so much for sharing stories. You are on my mind a lot and in my prayers. Keep shining Jesus!:)

Johnsons said...

Great post! I loved all three stories and you make me smile!