Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pre-School March

Here are a couple pictures of a parade that our preschoolers when to on Friday morning. Danilo also went to the same parade with his own school. The parade was for all the preschools and special needs schools in Pacasmayo. After walking 10 blocks with 10; 3,4, and 5 year olds went went to the beach for a little bit. We actually shortened our part of the parade by intentionally turning right while the rest of the parade turned left at the end of the main street.


AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Aw that looks like a lot of fun! The beach sounds much better then a little more walking! lol That is a lot of walking for those little ones! What is the purpose of the parade anyway?

ritaleelovesyou said...

ohhh the marches!
Gotta love 'em! ha ha!
I didn't know the pre-schoolers did them! Man, that is loads of walking, yay for the beach! I bet the kids enjoyed that!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Johnsons said...

Looks like so much fun! I bet the kids loved going to the beach!

The Bailes said...

The beach was their favorite part, I can tell by the running!