Along with our newest volunteer, Abby, the circus came to town this weekend. The circus was kind of weird, and I'm glad I went to go check it out before I brought any kids, because there were a lot of pretty inappropriate acts. Abby, Cherry, Gorge, and I went and even we were thinking that some stuff was just kind of awkward. They did have some cool stuff though, like an actual lion tamer with 5 huge lions. They dragged Abby into the lions cage and made her pet them. That was pretty intense. There was also the strong man, who just walked on his hands a lot. They also had a trapeze act which was kind of cool. Of course they also had clowns to. Here is a picture of one of the clowns. Although there were five clowns, this one was special. Someone please tell me what is so crazy about him.

is it that he has a KC chiefs shirt on? IS that what he has on? can't wait to hear about the jungle adeventure hope all goes well with getting the birth certificates.
Circus, eh? Yeah, sounds like you guys were smart in going first but sounds like the good parts were really good!
The jungle? Wow! That will be a great experience! I look forward to hearing about that and I hope it is successful in every area, with ministry and the certificates!
Hey Kevin,
Nice circus pictures! Sounds like an interesting "cultural" experience to add to your list. Have fun in the jungle!
OMG, you go all the way to Peru and you still have people sporting Chiefs gear! Hilarious!
The poor clown is wearing a chiefs jersy. Actually the chiefs look like clowns. I look forward to hearing about your trip to the jungle.
So, the circus was weird, eh? Good eye mom...didn't notice that...crazy! I think all chiefs fans come from the peru circus...HA! The jungle is going to be sweet/scarey...what an adventure! We will pray for extra safety as you hack through banana leaves and vines with your machete and pocket knife.
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