Monday, August 24, 2009

The weekend

The kids have school on saturdays right now now to make up for lost time for the swine flew outbreak. So saturday I kind of just chilled until they got back at 1:00. I Ate some lunch with them then cut Gerson's hair. After that we played some video games. In the evening I went to dinner with 8 kids and Maribel. It was the 8 kids that recently got declared abandoned. Gerson, Yhonson, Joel, Sibila, Betsy, Nelson, Lurdes, Marcielo. After that I came back and had some kids over to watch a movie, but the movie didn't work so we played more video games instead.

Sunday was church and visitation day. We had a lot of visitors, and once again I got filled up with snacks that the parents brought and the kids wanted to share with me. Nothing out of the ordinary for Sunday.

I just got back from the Market, I went to buy some movies, and Cellphone minutes. While I was there I ate some papa rellenas (fried mashed potatoes rolled in balls stuffed with meat and hot sauce on top...SO GOOD) and some Cake from some of the stands there in the market... you can tell I'm starting to get brave when I'm eating food from stands. Later today I'm going to take Yhonson to go get a haircut. Maribel talked with me the other day and suggested that I spend more one on one time with Yhonson because he is not doing so well right now.

I also have a prayer request. I ask everyone who reads this to pray for Avis. She is very sick right now. The doctors say it is anemia and she is on some iron supplements right now. She returns to the states September 4th and I think she is planning on visiting another doctor there. She hasn't been able to do much of anything this last week, so please pray that she recovers.


The Bailes said...

I am praying for Avis. Why is Yhonson not doing well? I'm glad you could spend some extra time with him, I bet all of those kids need that!

mom said...

tell avis i'm praying for her. Yhonson is at a difficutl age and add his circumstances that makes it even tougher. he's blessed to have a Godly male figure like you in his life. I don't know of any other job as an "administrator" would include giving haircuts! :) you're the best.

ritaleelovesyou said...

wow I will be praying for Avis! For real! No bueno! God is bigger than it all though and I know He will take care of her!
I think it is great that you are going to spend more time with Yhonson, he needs a good male role model in his life, like for real, and you are a great guy, so I think it will be sooo good for him!
You are getting brave but you have to eventually if you are staying there the amount of time you have been there for!
It sounds like you had a great weekend, so that is exciting! Really good to read your updates!

Johnsons said...

I hope that Avis feels better soon especially for her trip back to the states! You're really becoming the pro on haircuts! Don't get sick with your daredevil eating!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Can you imagine having school on a Saturday here in the states...don't think that would go over very well. Look at you go eating off the stands- very brave! Most of them smell really good! So now that more kids are considered abandoned what does that look like? Is there a good chance of them getting placed in homes? Oh no poor Avis! I will be praying for her! Can I have her email address....I forgot to get it from her when I was there.

Dad said...

Have you tried the fish stand just
as you go into town on the left side of the street. That looked really appetizing. That the real test.Its always good to hear and read your blogs.Iam praying for you and kids and staff daily.