Friday, September 11, 2009

Long day.

First off, Sparky did in fact eat the kittens. I'd like to say they got lost but he actually did it infront of the girls so I can't really use that excuse. We are now down to 2 kittens last time I checked. I'll try and get some pictures of the girls with the kittens today before we lose the other ones.

Yesterday I went to Trujillo with 7 kids to bring them to a dermatologist. We were going to burn some more warts off, but the doctor decided to give them some topical medicine instead. I think I agree with the doctor. The visit only took about 20 mins, but we had to wait for 4 and a half hours. It was a private clinic and we didn't pay in advance so we had to wait for all the other people who paid to go first. So after that got over with we went and ate lunch, then the kids and I waited in the car for 4 hours while Maribel and Galdys bought some things in the market. Then I drove everyone home at 8:00. So ya, it was a pretty long day.


mom said...

sparky just is not going to get out of the dog house. how traumatic! wow what on earth did you do in the car while you waited with them. i can't imagine being in the car with kids just sitting there. you survived!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Oh no Sparky did eat the cats! I bet the girls don't like Sparky any more. That is a long time to sit in the car with kids. Next time you go you should bring some cards or something. That does sound like a long day. You should have taken the kids to Papa Johns!

ritaleelovesyou said...

Kevin, which kids went with you? That is a loooooong day, my goodness!
And I agree with Aimee, if you didn't have cards with you, you should bring them next time, ha ha!
Papa John's, I love that place!
You seriously have the most random, but yet interesting job description!!