Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Great News

So we went to Trujillo, again, and we talked with the judge one more time about sending kids away. This time our social worker went too. We also had our all of our complaints written on a document in a formal way. Maribel was just going to go give the document to the judges secretary and leave but the judge was there in his office and stopped her to see what was up. So she just handed him the document and let him check it out. He was a little angry at first and told her that "She was beating him with a stick on this one" our equivalent to raking someone over the coals I guess. So after much discusion he finally decided that our kids didn't have to go. None of them.

We were all pretty happy with this news, and my way of celebrating was to go to the Papa John's there in Trujillo and stuff myself full of pizza. They had a buy one medium, get one free deal going so I ate one medium and there's half of another one in my fridge right now. The other half went to Maribel and Mari Ester.

Then we came back and I took a quick nap. I have caught this little cold these past couple days and it's wearing me down. Then I went and helped with some homework, brought a couple kids over to my place to play some video games, then went to the other house and played some cards. So I felt like I got to spend some good quality time with the kids today too.

These next couple days I'll do some photo only blog posts.


Anonymous said...

Hey KG! Sorry it has been a while since my last post. I have been reading in Acts a lot this summer and you remind me of the early believers in their new missionary experiences. You are bold and you show the unconditional love of God by your actions just like the early church. My prayer is that God will continue to fill your life with His Spirit and grace and power!

Joey Butler
Isaiah 40:31

mom said...

thanks for speaking up for the kids. you are their voice. it paid off. i'm glad you shared a little pizza with mary ester and maribel! can't wait to see the pics. get well.

Johnsons said...

Yum, pizza is so much better than cooked blood! haha, gross is all I have to say! Bella and enjoyed seeing you on skype today!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

That is wonderful news! Good work! Your determination is much needed there! And yeah for Papa Johns! That place is amazing. Glad you got to take some home so you can still enjoy it for your next meal- that is if there is still some left by then. lol

The Bailes said...

That is very exciting news! I'm glad you are eating some good pizza :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin, its Aunt Eunice looking at your blog finally with my friend Vicki. She is looking for a mission trip for their family over the next year. Congratulations on the win in court. Praying for you!!! All our love!

ritaleelovesyou said...

Kevin, I am not sure when you posted this blog, but I hope that it is still true that none of the kids have to leave the orphanage!
I am glad you got some Papa John's pizza, that does the stomach good, ha ha ha!!!!