Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Utilities Crisis of 09.

So this last week we've been fighting some battles with our utilities. I found out that we haven't been getting our fresh water from the city about 4 days ago. We usually get a little bit of fresh water everyday at 4:00. We use this water for the kids to drink and cook with. The rest of our water we get from our well which is a little bit salty. So Fred and I carried some buckets of water in the old van over for them on Sunday. We had a meeting today with the water company and they told us that they put another line in that is lower than ours that goes to another part of the city, hence there is not enough pressure to make it to us. So we have another meeting later today with the boss of the water company to see what we can do about it.

At the same time we are trying to get more electricity in to the orphanage because we don't really have enough right now as it is, and we are wanting to build more volunteer houses and more houses for kids in the future so will we need more. The process was going well until a couple of days ago. Then we got a call saying that the company thinks we have enough electricity so they are not willing to put another line going into the orphanage. So we are in the process of waiting for the answer to come from our appeal.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon on top of the church installing an new antenna for our wireless internet because our signal has been very weak lately. Right now it seems to be much better so hopefully at least that problem was solved.

Tomorrow one of our kids is leaving. Maria who as been here since February is going to go live with her Aunt and Uncle in Chimbote. When she came to us she was on drugs and very unstable. She was living a very hard life. She is returning to a different place so hopefully her old habits will not pick back up again. She has made so much progress since she arrived. Right now I think that she is very sad and a little nervous to go. Please be praying for her.



AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Wow who knew getting water and electricity would be so difficult! You should make those electric people tour the orphanage then they would see how you need more for a good cause :) My precious Maria will be in my prayers. Avis told me that she was going to live with her Aunt, but I didn't realize it was so soon. Hopefully that will be a good spot where she can stay safe and continue to flourish!

The Bailes said...

We are praying for electricity, water and Maria!

Johnsons said...

Maria is in our prayers! I would have loved to have you around to figure out our wireless internet this weekend too! Haha, it seems like you had an easier time than I did after being on the phone for 5+ hours!

Emily Diaz said...

Some problems just never go away, right?! Water, power...there will never be enough!
Please tell Maria that Abiel and I will be praying for her. It was great for us to see the change in her the first couple of months she was at the orphanage. I will pray that the changes she's made in her life will change the rest of her life! We're praying for you too Kevin, and all of our friends with you.

mom said...

wow nothing is ever easy is it? water and electricty are things we take for granted! don't give up. i think you've learned that if at first you don't succed you have to try and try again!

ritaleelovesyou said...

Man, that is rough about the utilities Kevin! I hope things have improved in that area since you posted this!
I am glad for Maria to be with family, I will be praying for her, most definitely to not fall back into her old ways.
I know she will be missed at the orphanage!