I started off the Easter weekend with an egg hunt on Friday with all the kids at Hogar de Esperanza in Trujillo. A couple of missionary families came with the eggs and candy and we hid them around the orphanage. We took to turns, one for the little kids and one for the big kids to make sure the little ones had a fighting chance. It went really well and everyone had a great time. I also got to use my camera a lot, I don't usually take it out of the orphanage because I don't feel comfortable carrying it around on the mico buses so I have some good pictures for you all this time.
Had another great weekend with the kids in Pacasmayo, although it was a little harder to get there because of the Easter holiday. We played another game of pick-up soccer although we got beat pretty bad this time, its probably my fault because I was playing this time, but to my defense we were playing all 15-17 year olds and I had a couple 10 year olds on my team. Also next week we'll have our new shoes so we'll beat them, I can feel it.
Sunday night when I got back to the orphanage a police car pulled up at the same time with three of the other volunteers in it. Two of them had been robbed at gun point about 30 feet from the door of the orphanage. They called the police and filed a report but doubtful that anything is going to come of it. Supposedly the police know who the suspects are but that doesn't really mean anything. It was a reminder of where I am and the type of environment that we are living in. This is the second time some volunteers have been robbed in the last six months. So I am going to be very careful about what I bring with me when I am on foot.
Another good Peruvian story is that yesterday I was driving through a parking lot and I tried to squeeze in a little smaller space than I should of. This taxi was sitting stationary in the driving lane so I tried get into the parking spot that he was partially blocking but I ended up side swiping him. His car was already marked up pretty bad and I don't think I did too much damage, although it was obviously my fault so we talked and I gave him 20 soles (about 7 dollars) and we called it even. Pretty simple and easy really.
These pictures are fantastic! Kids everywhere!!! :)
wow Easter pics mixed in with a robbery and car sideswiping. Only in Peru! $7 really? I didn't really need to read about the volunteers being robbed at gunpoint! p.s. loved the Easter pics. It's easy to tell they had a good time.
Sorry I am a blog post behind ...did you get enough money for shoes for the boys? If not please let me know. Sounds like you guys had a great time! Great pictures!
You carry a knife, right?!
Lots going on for an Easter weekend! Loved the pictures of the kids!
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