Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend marathon and Monday

Another great weekend!

Saturday we had the visit from the Judge and his crew to come inspect the orphanage. The judge came with three pyscologists and a state social worker. They checked out all of our rooms to make sure they were a safe place for kids to live. The psycologists interviewed three kids a piece asking them questions like, "do you have enough food to eat?", "do you think that you are safe here?", "do you have any chores?" etc... The judge acted like he loved the place, he had not seen it since the switch in February. Also while they were here inspecting Ronal Enrique from the chicken delivery business came and dropped off another couple boxes worth or rice, noodles and milk. They are continuing to bless us. This morning they also dropped off another 5 live chickens. I didn't here about that until later in the afternoon so I guess it wasn't at 2:00 in the morning again.

The Judge with a couple of kids

Sunday was the marathon. I woke up around 6:30 and went to my spot. My group was incharge of shutting down a portion of the highway so that the runners could run on it. The police and fire fighters came to help us (about 2 hours to late). I got to watch Yhonson, Pastor Auden and Fred run by for the 5k. Yhonson ran it in under 30 minutes with only practicing two times, so not too bad. I volunteered until 2:30 pm. Then came back and got out of the sun and rested until about 5:30, then I went to the after party for all the volunteers. The party was mostly Peace Corp volunteers. I also met some people that were doing research in Lima for the graduate school program. They were doing a project on eco-friendly fish farms that people in developing countries and start and make money off of while providing sustainable nutrition for their towns. It sounded really cool.

Yhonson in the 5k race

My group responsible for shutting down the highway

Today (Monday) all the kids had the day off from school, so that meant that I took the day off too. I slept in until about 9:00 for the first time since I've been down here. Then had a relaxing day of playing volleyball, watching some videos, then playing some video games all with the kids.

Learning how to play
Ok I almost forgot to add another thing that I did today. At first I wasn't going to post it because it was so gross, but then I realized it was just too gross not to post. So there's your warning if you don't want to get grossed out you should probably stop reading now. I'll even leave a couple blank lines to make it easier on you.

So the twins who are actually in that photo playing video games have their new grown up teeth coming in. This is causing some problems for them. When their teeth are coming in they like to pick at their gums and this has caused some infection. I guess a couple months ago one of the infections in their gums got bad enough that they had to take him to a doctor and put him on anti-biotics. Ok so now for the gross part, still reading? I discovered today that Lenin had another infection. He had a cankor sore on his top gum that had swollen up to the size of a pencil eraser. Not wanting it to get any worse I showed it to Maribel and his house mom Sindy. Then I decided to take some action. So I took him into the bathroom and had him lean his head over the sink. Then I popped the fluid filled sack. There was a lot of pus and blood in my sink after that. I got some gauze and soaked it in listerine and had him hold it on his sore. The other twin Jonel had the same thing but in the back of his mouth, so we repeated the process with him. They are rinsing with hot water then puting listerine soaked gauze on their sores and they are already getting smaller. Hopefully doing this will keep the infection from getting as serious as it did last time. They told me last time they had those they didn't do anything to them and they eventually got so painful they had to go to the doctor.


The Bailes said...

Ummmm...I'm guessing I'm the first one to read that SUPER GROSS blog post. Are they boys rinsing with warm salt water? That would kill more germs. The listerine is probably good too...where did you get that?! I'm proud of you for taking action on the boys' mouths even on your day off...I would not have done that. I think the boys need a teething ring or something...HA! Love you lots!

mom said...

wow don't know where to start on that one but too funny i was ready to add the warm salt water rinses that val just said to do. way to go on your part. and you never knew that being an administrator would involve popping cancor sores.! i would have them continue to rinse. maybe any nurses reading this should add in on this one :)
tell jonhnson great job on the race and that i'm proud of him.
i'm so excited about the extra gift of food that you're getting for the kids

Armstrong's said...

Nice job with the mouths... I don't think I could have stomached it. We love reading your blog- thanks for keeping it up. You always have interesting stories- Jimmy and I are praying for you and the ministry there!

The Thurn Family said...

Way to jump in and take care of the situation, no matter how gross! I know that those kids have got to totally adore you for loving on them the way you do!
Still praying for you and God's activity in and through you!