Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The operation

Lourdes, Maribel, Gladys, and I left Monday afternoon for Trujillo. When we arrived in Trujillo we put our bags at Gladys's mothers house. Then we headed for one of the plaza's nearby. We went and ate dinner and saw a movie. It was the first time that Lourdes had ever seen a movie in a real cinema. The movie we saw was "Knowing". We went back to Gladys's mother's house and spent the night there.

We woke up at 4:00 am and headed off to the clinic at 4:30. The surgery was scheduled at 6:00 and she had to be there an hour before for prep. The surgery amazingly took place on time. It lasted about 40 minutes. Everything went well. The entire tumor was removed and put in little black baggy and set on her night stand next to her hospital bed. We are taking the tumor to a lab to have it analyzied to see if it was cancerous. She was not allowed to talk or lift her head for an entire day. I let her listen to my Ipod for awhile and Maribel also read some books to her.

Avis and Peggy arrived at the hospital around 7:30 to see her. At 8:00 Avis, Peggy and I went to go eat some breakfast and then we went to the courthouse to visit with a judge in the supreme court. It turned out to be a great visit and he wants to come see Casa de Paz next week.

After the meeting with the Judge I went back to the clinic and stayed there with Lourdes until about 1:30 and then I got a bus home. If everything goes well Maribel, Gladys, Avis and Peggy are bringing her back in the van today around noon.


Mom said...

Amazing the tumor on the stand! Glad to hear the visit with the judge went well! Sounds like lice are close by. I'm continuing to pray for Lourdes. Give her a hug for me.

Anonymous said...

You are all business ... just the facts:) Glad to hear it went well. You being nice to those girls that arrived?


The Bailes said...

The tumor on the night stand? Wow. Disturbing somehow. I am praying for Lourdes and her healing and comfort!

Johnsons said...

It sounds like a successful day! Hmm, the baggy reminds me of dad's wisdom teeth he saved ;) LOL! Gross!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot for one day. Glad it went well. I love reading your blog. The children need you there, and you are making a difference. Thanks for sharing. -Kim McRae