Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pray for Lourdes

Lourdes is a 12 year old girl here in the orphanage. A couple of months ago we discovered that she had a tumor on her abdomen. After a couple of tests the doctors said that it wasn't dangerous and that they were going to have it removed in August when an operating bed opened up. However after the last couple of check-ups and some more lab tests and results, the doctors now believe there is a chance that it could be cancerous. So this Monday they are going to do the operation to remove it. She will stay overnight in the hospital Sunday and have it removed in the morning on Monday.

Please be praying that the operation will go smoothly. And that when they remove the actual tumor and do more tests on it that it will prove to be non cancerous.


ashley.gallina said...

Hey Kevin, thanks for updating about Lourdes. My thoughts and prayers are with her. Thank-you for everything you are doing down there with the ministry! You are such a blessing to everyone there. I can't believe how crazy it has been around there! I pray that God gives you rest in it all.
Many Blessings

mom said...

kev tell lourdes that i will be praying for her.