Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Thanks for all the donations. Here are photos of some of the 39 kids receiving their gifts. Yes, 39 now. There are 10 new ones from when I was there over the past summer, and 3 have been adopted out. The older ones received cards which informed them that they got to go to 10 days of summer camp, which starts January 22nd. They were all very excited when they found out (the house moms were too, haha). The younger kids each received their own gift as well.


Johnsons said...

The kids are so cute! I hope you are having a good traveling day so far! It's a big job keeping mom and dad in line! I heard about the trip to the ariport, haha!

The Thurn Family said...

Echoing what your sis said, I know from experience, what a job it is keeping them in line! Ask your dad if he knows where I can get a knee replacement!??? Or your mom, why she likes to scare little unsuspecting kids?? HaHa!:) Need to keep a close eye on the two of them! Hey~Seriously, we love you all and can't wait to keep up on the journey God's taking you on via this blog! So BLOG A LOT!!
Praying lots,
Laci and Larry