Thursday, August 25, 2011


So if you have kept up with my blog in the last month then well, I guess you've realized that I haven't posted anything.  Some of you are probably wondering why and some of you already know why.  So first, I'm sorry that I haven't really been updating for those people who actually do read my blog.  Second, the explanation.

I got here in high hopes that soon five of the kids that I love as my own children (I know that's weird, I'm 25 and I really don't know what it's like to have your own child, but I imagine I know pretty well because I don't know if it'd be possible to love more) would soon be receiving for real their very own family AND be close to me in the states, a double win.  However about a week after I arrived I went to go visit MIMDES with my mother to talk about the adoption process she's doing for two girls here at the orphanage (sorry mom if that was still wasn't out of the bag).   That visit didn't go so well as I finally got to talk face to face with the higher ups and they told me that the adoption would not be able to go through.  This news flipped my world upside down.  All my plans that I had, all my happiness pertaining to the kids, gone in just one sentence from the mouth of the government lady.

So this past month has been a hard one.  Calling everyone I could, lawyers, politicians, higher-ups etc.  And still we have two lines in the water hoping for a bite but it's just not looking to promising. I still haven't told the kids because of the faintest possibility of it working out, and that is what is killing me the most.  I just want it to be over, preferably in the favorable manner.  So far my coping strategy has been shutting down, not talking to anyone and not wanting to leave the kids for one minute.  Sorry if I haven't talked to you in awhile.

So, I know I've said this in the past a lot but I'll try and post more often again.  It might just be good therapy.  Plus a lot has happened in the last month unrelated that I'm sure you guys would be interested in knowing, so stay tuned.


Charla said...

I am so sorry, I know this is breaking your heart. I know there is probably not much we can do but pray but if there is please let us know.

Charla Sallee

The Bailes said...

I am praying for a miracle, Kevin! And I don't think mom and dad's was public knowledge!

mom said...

yeah kev we were going to wait past our first trimester :) to tell it's out. I'm glad you opened up to tell so more people can pray for a miracle for the kids. And to our family and friend, sorry for not telling you before you read this but we just wanted to be further along in the process! Kelly and I are very excited about this journey that God is leading us on.

Armstrong's said...

Hey Kevin,
Sounds like to me you love them as your own... and that is why it is so hard to deal with this situation. We are praying for all involved. There is this cheesy Christian song that you and Jimmy would probably make fun of, but it has a line that says "what if the trials in this life are His mercies in disguise?"... praying that you can still see God at work here. Hang in there and keep us posted!


Bob and Margaret Sachse said...

Sorry to hear the disappointing news.
I know you have worked really hard for this to happen.Be of good heart and with all our prayers something will turn about soon

Jackie Davis said...

Oh, Kevin, God bless your huge heart. When you have kids who need a home and parents who want to provide one, it doesn't seem to make sense that a government can stand in the way.
Lisa, congrats! The truly scary thing is that you have always been a couple of years ahead of me in the parenting/grandparenting journey.
Jackie D

susana cano said...

Hola kevin tienes un corazon muy grande, eres un gran persona, me siento muy feliz de haberte conocido y saber que aun hay gente tan buena o bondadosa como tu, que da tanto amor sin esperar nada a cambio que es capaz de venirse desde tan lejos para ayudar a otros.

Dios bendijo a ellos con tu llegada
Eres una gran persona, que todo te salga bien y quiero que sepas que cuentas conmigo en todo lo que te pueda ayudar.

Dad said...

Hey Kevin, by posting your feelings someone that needs to see this message might respond.Miracles do happen.The prayer chain has already started.

lee anne said...

Kevin, I concur with everyone who has posted. Not much more to say other than we love ya brother and will be praying for you and all involved. Only He knows the reason now and I know we'll have an answer some day. Take care, Pat Whitworth

Johnsons said...

We are praying for a miracle, Kev! I know how you love them and there's no stronger bond than that! We love you!