Sunday, July 24, 2011

Back with my boys

It's already been a full couple of days.  I got back to the orphanage Friday at 5:00 pm. and went straight on duty.  

Today one of the house mom's real daughters was sick so I needed to pull a full 24 hour shift which included ironing, cooking, washing clothes etc... Thankfully Sam was here to help with the baby or I might not have been able to make it.

The kids have school tomorrow, I thought they were going to be on break but I guess that changed.  So they are in bed right now which is great because I can get some sleep.  

Left to right: Luis, Nelson (standing), Anthon, Yhonson, Ricardo, Kevin, Baby , Joel,  Angel, Gerson, Devis, Doane


Johnsons said...


Bob and Margaret Sachse said...

So glad you arrived safe. Guess Lisa is still there - didn't see a picture. Suppose she was the photographer/

Jimmy Armstrong said...

Glad you are back safe...that is quite a handful of kiddos. We are looking forward to hearing about the adventures of Mr. Mom