Saturday, October 24, 2009

happy halloween


mom said...

great picture!

Johnsons said...

Yes! I LOVE the sand pumpkin! Great idea!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Looks like fall there now! :)Nice Work.

ritaleelovesyou said...

That is AWESOME! You are very smart! What a great pumpkin, ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Love this picture! You are a great sand artist. And I have to say, I loved your detailed plan of how to get all the yummy food for the least amount of money! How resourceful!

Hope you are doing well. We are praying for you still. I pray that God gives you the patience and wisdom that you need for all that you are doing there!


Val said...

CUTE...we're counting down the days we get to hug your neck!

Bob and Margaret Sachse said...

Happy Halloween to you, too!
You forgot to color your pumpkin!