Monday, October 19, 2009


Well it only took me 5 months, but I've figured out how I might be able to not loose so much weight down here.

I have finally found out how I can get about 2000 calories for $4. Here's the trick. I found a hamburger stand that cooks the patties in cooking oil. They make me the special which includes 2 meat patties (I'd like to say beef but....) that are about the size of Winstead's burgers and a fried egg in between, they top this with a bunch of mayonnaise and hot sauce. This is where it gets good though, after I buy that hamburger for 2 soles I start walking to the chicken place and eating the hamburger on the way. I finish it just in time as I'm walking into the resturant. I order a 1/4 chicken to go. With that 1/4 chicken to go comes a large order of fries, a salad and more mayonnaise. I can also get a coke there too. The chicken and coke costs 10 soles.

So thats a total of 12 soles or roughly $4. I guess if you include the moto rides its $5. And if I want to really pig out I can get a kabob of cooked chicken hearts for another 1 sol. Speaking of which I had my first chicken heart kabob a couple of days ago. It really wasn't that bad.


Johnsons said...

Haha, wow! You've got your food route down! I think they serve a similar hamburger with the fried egg on it on Red Robin!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

That is some amazing details on your food route. So funny! Chicken heart? Ey I don't think I would be that brave. What does that taste like anyway? Chewy?

ritaleelovesyou said...

Wow Kevin,
That does sound like you will keep on the pounds. Doesn't sound the most healthy but it'll have to do, ha ha! I don't know if I could do the chicken heart..

The Bailes said...

All I am going to say is that it is the quality of calories...from a nutrition standpoint, this is not heart-healthy!

mom said...

val beat me to the punch line. my goodness, you're going to have a heart attack!

Dad said...

Now if you could only find some bacon to add in there I think you would have a great sandwich. Have a great day.

Kevin Guier said...

Funny thing is I was thinking exactly that...if only this burger had bacon it would be the world's most perfect sandwich ever.

Sara said...

That's a lot of food Kevin!! And they serve it all with mayo? I can't believe you can eat anything after you eat that giant burger!

robyn_bailes said...

I had the chicken heart kabob when I was in Peru and I actually thought it was really good!