Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Chocolatada

One thing the Peruvians really do well is their hot chocolate and fruited bread.  Monday night was the first chocolatada of the season and it was excellent.  The kids were a part of a padrino program that matched them with a sponsor who choose to be in the program.  The kids got to meet their padrinos 2 or 3 times before the christmas party.  The padrinos found out what their kid wanted through these chats and tried their best to find a gift for the child.

It turned out really well.  The padrinos came monday night for a party and gift giving session.  We all drank hot chocolate and played games.  All the kids got what they asked for, which  I think is a first.  Lot's of them even got some pretty expensive gifts, like Gerson who got a 125 sole mp3 player.

 Playing who can put the most clothes pins in someone's hair game.
Ballon dance (war)

This guy was especially awesome.  It appeared that him and a group of friends all did this together.  So they all were there hooping and hollering and bringing a lot of energy to the party.

I put baby's new shirt on him and he loved it.  This is him showing it off to Gina.

This is the tractor that he got.  If he could clearly express what he would want for Christmas this would be exactly what he asked for.

Everyone together.


Johnsons said...

That does look like a lot of fun! The baby is too cute, and love that all the kids got what they wanted this year!

mom said...

yes, love the pics and I'm so glad they had sponsors. Baloons are fun anywhere in the world.

The Bailes said...

I love seeing your parties in Peru! The kiddos are always smiling so big!