Sunday, October 9, 2011

Karate Time!

Saturday we had a school wide karate tournament.  Nearly all the kids participated in at least one of the two competitions.  There was a Kata competition which is a pre-learned karate routine and also a sparring competition. It whole ordeal lasted for about 3 hours and most of the kids had a great time.  My boys all did really well in the fighting competitions, and I'm guessing its because they get a lot of practice around the house.

Getting ready to fight

Anthony handing out the cutest butt whipping of all time.

Joel won the sparring competition in his age range. 

Ricardo in the blue had 2 big upsets and ended up winning the sparring competition in his age range.



mom said...

didn't know a "butt whipping" could be cute but knowing Anthony, I would have to agree. had to laugh also about them getting alot of practice around the house. how true :)

Johnsons said...

That was such a cute picture of the little guys. Looks like they have great form!

Val said...

Yippee!!! Looks like you guys dominated!!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

That's cool! That does not surprise me that the boys are so good. I mean after all they have so many brothers to practice on all the time!lol