Sunday, July 24, 2011

Back with my boys

It's already been a full couple of days.  I got back to the orphanage Friday at 5:00 pm. and went straight on duty.  

Today one of the house mom's real daughters was sick so I needed to pull a full 24 hour shift which included ironing, cooking, washing clothes etc... Thankfully Sam was here to help with the baby or I might not have been able to make it.

The kids have school tomorrow, I thought they were going to be on break but I guess that changed.  So they are in bed right now which is great because I can get some sleep.  

Left to right: Luis, Nelson (standing), Anthon, Yhonson, Ricardo, Kevin, Baby , Joel,  Angel, Gerson, Devis, Doane

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heading Back

Tomorrow I will be heading back to Pacasmayo.  My mother will be accompanying me on the trip and will stay at the orphanage for two weeks while the kids are on vacation.  She will be giving them lots of crafts and activities to do to keep them occupied.  I've noticed that when I travel to Peru I always bring back the most random things, probably making security give me the second look.  This time I'm taking back two nintendo Gamecubs with games and controllers, special toothpast, nuby cups for the baby, floss sticks, three skip-bo card games, self defense mace spray for Sam, sore throat spray, and as always peanut butter along with other random food stuff friends requested.

So far the plan is for me to be there another six months before I return home.  Like I said while I'm there I will be taking care of the kids in the boys house which right now is;

  1. Paulo age 13 months
  2. Angel age 5 years
  3. Doanne age 5 years
  4. Anthony age 6 years
  5. Devis age 7 years
  6. Luis age 10
  7. Joel age 10
  8. Nelson age 12
  9. Ricardo age 12
  10. Gerson age 13
  11. Yhonson age 13
Wish me luck. haha