Tomorrow I will be heading back to the U.S. I will be there until the 21st of July when I will head back to Peru once again.
Although I know that I will be back shortly it is still a little sad to go. I will be back in Peru, however I will not be coming back to the orphanage in Trujillo where I have been the last four months. Today is my going away party at this orphanage. They do it for all the people who leave. There will be some songs sang by the kids, a skit perhaps, and probably some cards. I've seen the going away party or the "despedida" many times now but it's different having it be for me. Knowing that I was only going to be at this orphanage for a short amount of time I really guarded my heart and tried not to get too attached to the kids or let them get too attached to me. I still haven't decided if I regret this or not.
I do of course have a close relationship with a couple kids, like Samir who I started doing homework with everyday after he became a problem in his other group. Juliana, who is a big jokester and has almost the same sense of humor as I do. And then John, he's only three but after a couple of the other volunteer's left he has been sad and crying a lot and then attached himself to me. He really liked for me to read him books, and it pains me the most to think that after I leave and Liz (his preschool teacher) leaves on the same day that he will once again be very sad. I know that these kids are sad to see me go and I am sad to go as well. However I know that in Pacasmayo the kids are overjoyed that I will be returning and staying with them in the house as a father. I also know that my role there as a father is much more needed right now than my current role in Trujillo as a driver/maintenance which is making the transition easy for me.
On a different but related note, you all might have seen a new button on my blog right under my picture. The "Donate" button. I put that there in case anyone would like to give directly to me or the kids in Pacasmayo. If you give money through that route you will not be receiving any sort of tax deductible reciept from me. If you are wanting to give me or the kids money and do wish to have a tax deductible receipt you can give to Gateway Church in Blue Springs and mention my name. I decided to put this option up because I would like to be able to give more to the kids and meet specific needs. Last weekend I realized how much I am actually spending on the kids myself and realized I can't keep going like I would want. Things like special dandruff shampoo for Yhonson, a new soccer ball, a t.v. antenna, a replacement clock for the house, or another chess board for them to practice on are all little things but start to add up pretty quick. My budget that I would like to have is $500 a month. $150 of that would be my personal expenses. So really anything above $150 a month would allow me to spend even more on the kids.
So if you've enjoyed following this blog in the past and are anxious to read it again in a month, I ask that you help support what God using me for in Pacasmayo. I also want to thank once again all those who have already given either to me personally or for special things for the kids. I love you guys!
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