Saturday, January 15, 2011

Camping trip

I just got back from a three day, two night camping trip with all the kids of the orphanage.  Well, I call it camping, they call it staying at someone else’s house.  That’s because my definition of camping is pretty much staying anywhere that there is no electricity or running water and lots and lots of mosquitoes.  We stayed at Gina’s parents house who live out on the farm.  They are surrounded by rice fields and irrigation canals but not so much of anything else.

To get all the kids there I made three trips back and forth each with a load of supplies and kids.  On the first trip I carried 7 mattresses on the top of the van.  Before you freak out they where only about 6 inches thick each but still that is a lot of mattress.  It was enough to make one of the tie down ropes break on the way there and send them all flying down the highway.  By the time I got turned around to go pick them up a friendly gentlemen in another van had stopped and gathered them all up.  I drove up to thank him and get the mattresses back on top of our van for all the kids, however the man insisted that the mattresses were his.  That is of course because he found them and risked his life gathering them up on the road.  I told him that was ridiculous and of course he knew that the mattresses belonged to us, however he would not give them back without some sort of finder’s fee so I have him 20 soles.  I really could’ve probably gotten away with giving him 10 soles but I didn’t have any smaller bills on me.  So lesson learned always carry small bills in case you have to “tip” someone.

After two more uneventful trips all the kids were there and the fun began.  We did a lot of swimming in the canals that day and played some board games that my mom had brought.  We ate lunch and dinner that was prepared on a fire and I took my parents along with the littlest kids up to a neighbor’s house where they could sleep on beds and take showers.  My parents had an eventful night with a couple of sick kids.

The next day we swam some more and I took the older boys bird hunting with their sling shots.  We did actually get one bird which I was pretty amazed at because those sling shots don’t have great accuracy.  Then we did some swimming.  Then we swam some more.

Overall it was a great swim..camping trip.  I am a little relieved however that the initial period of 10 days got shortened to three.  Ten days of swimming..err..camping might have been a little too much. 

The House

Dinner table


Bird Hunting

One of the swimming holes


The Bailes said...

I can't believe that mom and dad went with you! Way to go, mom!! Sophie saw the pic of the kids at the table and said, "probably at Target"! So, did Gina get the table there?! Lol. I can't believe you had to pay the "kind gentleman" for your mattresses, that stinks! But, maybe it was worth it that you didn't have to gather them?

Armstrong's said...

Successful bird hunting with sling shots... impressive! Sounds like quite a trip!

Johnsons said...

Wow, mom won't even camp here in the states! That is truly "roughing" it! That's hilarious about the guy with the mattresses! Your pictures are so great with your new camera!

ritaleelovesyou said...

Ohhh the joys of camping, gotta love it!
Sounds just like peru though! Glad he gave them back to you!!
And thanks for the pictures :)
Sure glad the kids enjoyed themselves, as well as yourself ;)

Cordell Kirk said...

Sounds like the family is having a great time. I'm glad to hear it. The mattress story is hilarious. Thanks for the pictures and the personal postings. It really gives those of us here the opportunity to connect with your ministry in Peru. Awesome stuff! Be sure and tell your Dad hello for me. I know he has to be having a blast. Already looking forward to future posts.

Bob and Margaret Sachse said...

Thanks for the update. The mattress deal was a bummer - but your safety in dealing tith type of person is important. I hope these children will become educated to learn about the rest of the world. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I love following your adventures. We keep you in our prayers.
Jackie Davis