You might of seen on facebook already but I now have an official return date. I bought my ticket for the 5th of January. There has been a lot of changes in my plans since the last blog post so I'll catch everyone up to speed. I've decided to put my plans for starting a new project on hold for awhile, there are a lot of reasons for this, one of the main ones is that I have been offered a position at another orphanage in Trujillo. The position was described as an administrative position and I am extremely interested in it. I'll keep everyone up to date with how that unfolds. The only thing keeping me from jumping all over this opportunity is the emotional attachment I have with the kids in Pacasmayo where I have been heavily involved in the past two years.
So the plan right now is that I will return to Pacasmayo in January and spend a month at the orphanage in Pacasmayo and see how things go, if things work out then it is a possibility that I stay there, but right now it is looking very likely that I will be going to Trujillo in February.
To clear some things up, when I say "see how things go" I'm referring to the current unstable condition of the orphanage in Pacasmayo. They recently had an inspection and they need to change a lot of things physically and administratively. These things are in truth pretty simple to change it is just a matter of people wanting to change them. Sorry I'm being vague I just don't want to step on anyone's toes right now. The deadline for these changes are February and I'll have a good idea if they are going to be made when I arrive in January allowing my decision making process to be much easier.
On a side note you may have noticed I'm playing around with the format of the blog a bit. Hang with me if things get a little crazy, and if you absolutely hate the new layouts just let me know via comments.