My parents got here safe and sound last Sunday and we've been having a great time together. This is the last week of school for the kids, last day is tomorrow, so we have been trying to let them study for the tests as much as possible. My mom has been working a lot with the younger kids. Doing little puzzles and coloring and water painting with them. My dad knocked out about what I thought was going to be 3-4 days of fix up work in the kids houses in one day.
Other unrelated news, we got a ping pong table donated to us, which I think I love way more than the kids. But I'll be giving them lessons non-stop until they can catch up to me so I can have some one to hit around with. We should be getting a pool table donated to us very soon as well! I'm really stoked about that.
Sad story of the week. As my parents and I were walking back from dinner one night (about 8:00) we ran into 2 little girls one the street corner. One was about 4 years old and was holding what I presume to be her little sister of about 1 year old in her lap. They were both hysterically crying and all by themselves. So I knocked on the neighbors door whose house they were sitting in front of and asked them if they knew the girls. They said no but went out to talk to them. I also called Maribel (the orphanage director) to come and check out the situation. The neighbors figured out that the kids were from someone who lived in the next town over. They said "the mom always leaves these kids here by themselves, so that it was no big deal"...ya right. So Maribel said that we should take them down to the police station, but the neighbors would not let us. They told us that they would stay with the girls until the parents came to pick them up. So because we were out numbered and the neighbors were starting to get a little testy, I think because they didn't like seeing white people worried about some peruvian's kids, we decided to just let them stay there with the kids until the parents got back. But we decided that if we see those 2 girls at the corner like that again, we are just going to take them to the police station without knocking on the neighbors door. Because no little girls deserve to be left alone on an ally corner in the bad part of town at night.
That would have been the hardest thing to leave such young girls like that! It sounds like mom and dad and really pouring into the kids and the orphanage! I wish I could be there too! Love you guys!
I am glad your having such a good time with your family! And that they are such a great help!
Yay for ping pong and soon to be pool table!
And that is horrible about those little girls. I pray that God's hand is on them and that if they are ever left there again, that you or someone associated with the orphanage will pick them up and bring them to the police station!
Oh Kevin, I know your hearts were breaking! How horribly sad. I can only imagine their sweet little faces with tears streaming down. Thank you for being attentive to God's work, whatever that looks like. Tell your mom & dad Hi & we miss them and can't wait to catch up! Merry Christmas to the 3 of you and all the kids too!
Kevin-I realized that a Christmas card wouldn't get to you in time-so glad your parents are with you-what an incredible mission you are doing-so many lives touched-God Bless you and the children-Merry Christmas to you and your parents-The Meschede's
I am glad you are getting to spend some time with your parents! Sounds like they are helping out a ton! You better tell them to take lots of picture! :) Hearing that story of those precious children of God just broke my heart. God truely has a special purpose for you there to look out for his children when there is no one else to do it! Keep up the good work of serving our great father!
I can't imagine little Sophie by herself, this makes me so incredibly sad.
Kevin, Lisa, and Kelly - So glad you made the trip safely. The kids are so lucky to have you all with them at Christmas. You really make a difference in their lives by surrounding them with God's love and good works that show that love to them.
I hope the internet is working so you get my message - MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! I think on Christmas Day that a ping pong tournament is in order and my money isn't on Lisa! Have a great Christmas! Love, Sandy
Glad to hear from you again and that Lisa and Kelly are with you and helping out. How sad and heartbreaking to see little girls left alone on a street corner. Have fun with the ping pong.
That is such a sad story . . . I cannot imagine the things those little ones have to endure.
I am so glad you made back safe and sound and glad your mom and dad are there with you. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas with the kids.
Lots of love ~ Sara
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